Semble’s loan calculator is a tool to help nonprofits and ministries evaluate financing options. Semble specializes in lending to organizations looking to further their mission. We offer a comprehensive solution to addressing your loan needs with the most options of any service available. If you have questions, contact us today ( or 206-412-3092). The calculator is for informational purpose only.
THE SEMBLE IMPACT What makes us unique from others is Semble’s lending platform which allows supporters of your organization to be international with investments (even retirement funds) to directly address your loan need. It is important to understand that a loan is an investment (typically made by a bank) with returns realized as the borrower makes payments towards the interest and principle. While Semble is able to explore bank options. Our lending platform makes it possible for your impact-minded supporters to become a part of the solution.
When you hit “CALCULATE” you will see the potential impact Semble’s approach can have for your organization as well as your supporters. You will have the ability to adjust key variables. By the way, it doesn’t hurt to know that is approach can help establish new supporters and realize greater giving. Check out the “Increased Giving” variable to learn more.
THE SEMBLE IMPACT What makes us unique from others is Semble’s lending platform which allows supporters of your organization to be international with investments (even retirement funds) to directly address your loan need. It is important to understand that a loan is an investment (typically made by a bank) with returns realized as the borrower makes payments toward the interest and principle. While Semble is able to explore bank options, our lending platform makes it possible for your impact-minded supporters to become a part of the solution.
When you hit “CALCULATE” you will see the potential impact Semble’s approach can have for your organization as well as your supporters. You will have the ability to adjust key variables. By the way, it doesn’t hurt to know that is approach can help establish new supporters and realize greater giving. Check out the “Increased Giving” variable to learn more.